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  • tP progress dashboard

    • Details about tP grading are here.
    • Note that the progress shown here is just a rough guidance as it was generated by an automated script. A manual inspection will be done after the final submission to confirm the script's findings.
    • Meaning of colors/icons:
      • : you can click on this icon to find more info
      • ABC : you have done the corresponding item.
      • ABC : you have done the corresponding item which is an optional item (well done!).
      • !ABC : item overdue, you have not done the corresponding item yet.
      • !ABC : item due soon, not done yet.
      • !ABC : optional item due soon, not done yet.
      • The [?] suffix (e.g., ABC [?]) indicates there are no data for that item yet. It will be updated in a later time when the relevant data are available.
    • If you have queries about the data shown in this page, please email tic4002@comp.nus.edu.sg.
    • This dashboard is updated every 2-3 days.

    [This page was last updated on Apr 16 2021]

    Team IDTeam The current CI status as generated by GitHub actionsCI Status i.e., tP tasks to be done by the whole teamTasks
    TIC4002-F18-1 product conceptuser storiesForkedIssues EnabledDocs PublishedPR CreatedUG draftv1.1 set upwebsite adaptedUG adaptedDG adaptedv1.1-wrap-upv1.2-wrap-upv1.3(trial) releasedv1.3 set upassertions enabledv1.3-wrap-upv1.3(final) releasedv1.4 set upv1.4 set upUi.pngv1.4-wrap-upv1.4 released
    TIC4002-F18-2 product conceptuser storiesForkedIssues EnabledDocs PublishedPR CreatedUG draftv1.1 set upwebsite adaptedUG adaptedDG adaptedv1.1-wrap-upv1.2-wrap-upv1.3(trial) releasedv1.3 set upassertions enabledv1.3-wrap-upv1.3(final) releasedv1.4 set upv1.4 set upUi.pngv1.4-wrap-upv1.4 released
    TIC4002-F18-3 product conceptuser storiesForkedIssues EnabledDocs PublishedPR CreatedUG draftv1.1 set upwebsite adaptedUG adaptedDG adaptedv1.1-wrap-upv1.2-wrap-upv1.3(trial) releasedv1.3 set upassertions enabledv1.3-wrap-upv1.3(final) releasedv1.4 set upv1.4 set upUi.pngv1.4-wrap-upv1.4 released
    TIC4002-F18-4 product conceptuser storiesForkedIssues EnabledDocs PublishedPR CreatedUG draftv1.1 set upwebsite adaptedUG adapted!DG adaptedv1.1-wrap-upv1.2-wrap-upv1.3(trial) releasedv1.3 set upassertions enabledv1.3-wrap-upv1.3(final) releasedv1.4 set upv1.4 set up!Ui.pngv1.4-wrap-upv1.4 released

    tP Team Tasks

    activity week description status
    product concept 3 Submitted product concept via TEAMMATES Yes
    user stories 4 Brainstormed at least 20 user stories Yes
    Forked 5 Forked the tp repo from the module org to the team org Yes
    Issues Enabled 5 Issue tracker enabled in the team repo Yes
    Docs Published 5 docs have been published via GitHub pages e.g. https://AY2021S2-TIC4002-F18-1.github.io/tp2/UserGuide.html Yes
    PR Created 5 Created a PR from team fork to upstream repo Yes
    UG draft 5 UG draft of reasonable quality submitted to LumiNUS Yes
    v1.1 set up 6 milestone v1.1 is present and has a deadline Yes
    website adapted 6 README, AboutUs, and _config.yml have been updated Yes
    UG adapted 6 AB3 UG has been adapted to the new product (no traces of AB3 left) Yes
    DG adapted 6 AB3 DG: Requirements (product scope, user stories, use cases, NFRs, etc.) sections have been updated Yes
    v1.1-wrap-up 6 milestone v1.1 is closed, and all its issues are closed too Yes
    v1.2-wrap-up 8 milestone v1.2 is closed, and all its issues are closed too Yes
    v1.3(trial) released 9 Released v1.3(trial) jar file on GitHub in week 9 Yes
    v1.3 set up 9 milestone v1.3 is present and has a deadline Yes
    assertions enabled 9 Assertions enabled in the team repo (in build.gradle) Yes
    v1.3-wrap-up 10 milestone v1.3 is closed, and all its issues are closed too Yes
    v1.3(final) released 10 Released v1.3(final) jar file on GitHub in week 10 Yes
    v1.4 set up 11 milestone v1.4 is present and has a deadline Yes
    v1.4 set up 12 milestone v1.4 is present and has a deadline Yes
    Ui.png 13 docs/images/Ui.png available and updated recently Yes
    v1.4-wrap-up 13 milestone v1.4 is closed, and all its issues are closed too Yes
    v1.4 released 13 Released v1.4 jar file on GitHub in week 13 Yes

    tP Team Tasks

    activity week description status
    product concept 3 Submitted product concept via TEAMMATES Yes
    user stories 4 Brainstormed at least 20 user stories Yes
    Forked 5 Forked the tp repo from the module org to the team org Yes
    Issues Enabled 5 Issue tracker enabled in the team repo Yes
    Docs Published 5 docs have been published via GitHub pages e.g. https://AY2021S2-TIC4002-F18-2.github.io/tp2/UserGuide.html Yes
    PR Created 5 Created a PR from team fork to upstream repo Yes
    UG draft 5 UG draft of reasonable quality submitted to LumiNUS Yes
    v1.1 set up 6 milestone v1.1 is present and has a deadline Yes
    website adapted 6 README, AboutUs, and _config.yml have been updated Yes
    UG adapted 6 AB3 UG has been adapted to the new product (no traces of AB3 left) Yes
    DG adapted 6 AB3 DG: Requirements (product scope, user stories, use cases, NFRs, etc.) sections have been updated Yes
    v1.1-wrap-up 6 milestone v1.1 is closed, and all its issues are closed too Yes
    v1.2-wrap-up 8 milestone v1.2 is closed, and all its issues are closed too Yes
    v1.3(trial) released 9 Released v1.3(trial) jar file on GitHub in week 9 Yes
    v1.3 set up 9 milestone v1.3 is present and has a deadline Yes
    assertions enabled 9 Assertions enabled in the team repo (in build.gradle) Yes
    v1.3-wrap-up 10 milestone v1.3 is closed, and all its issues are closed too Yes
    v1.3(final) released 10 Released v1.3(final) jar file on GitHub in week 10 Yes
    v1.4 set up 11 milestone v1.4 is present and has a deadline Yes
    v1.4 set up 12 milestone v1.4 is present and has a deadline Yes
    Ui.png 13 docs/images/Ui.png available and updated recently Yes
    v1.4-wrap-up 13 milestone v1.4 is closed, and all its issues are closed too Yes
    v1.4 released 13 Released v1.4 jar file on GitHub in week 13 Yes

    tP Team Tasks

    activity week description status
    product concept 3 Submitted product concept via TEAMMATES Yes
    user stories 4 Brainstormed at least 20 user stories Yes
    Forked 5 Forked the tp repo from the module org to the team org Yes
    Issues Enabled 5 Issue tracker enabled in the team repo Yes
    Docs Published 5 docs have been published via GitHub pages e.g. https://AY2021S2-TIC4002-F18-3.github.io/tp2/UserGuide.html Yes
    PR Created 5 Created a PR from team fork to upstream repo Yes
    UG draft 5 UG draft of reasonable quality submitted to LumiNUS Yes
    v1.1 set up 6 milestone v1.1 is present and has a deadline Yes
    website adapted 6 README, AboutUs, and _config.yml have been updated Yes
    UG adapted 6 AB3 UG has been adapted to the new product (no traces of AB3 left) Yes
    DG adapted 6 AB3 DG: Requirements (product scope, user stories, use cases, NFRs, etc.) sections have been updated Yes
    v1.1-wrap-up 6 milestone v1.1 is closed, and all its issues are closed too Yes
    v1.2-wrap-up 8 milestone v1.2 is closed, and all its issues are closed too Yes
    v1.3(trial) released 9 Released v1.3(trial) jar file on GitHub in week 9 Yes
    v1.3 set up 9 milestone v1.3 is present and has a deadline Yes
    assertions enabled 9 Assertions enabled in the team repo (in build.gradle) Yes
    v1.3-wrap-up 10 milestone v1.3 is closed, and all its issues are closed too Yes
    v1.3(final) released 10 Released v1.3(final) jar file on GitHub in week 10 Yes
    v1.4 set up 11 milestone v1.4 is present and has a deadline Yes
    v1.4 set up 12 milestone v1.4 is present and has a deadline Yes
    Ui.png 13 docs/images/Ui.png available and updated recently Yes
    v1.4-wrap-up 13 milestone v1.4 is closed, and all its issues are closed too Yes
    v1.4 released 13 Released v1.4 jar file on GitHub in week 13 Yes

    tP Team Tasks

    activity week description status
    product concept 3 Submitted product concept via TEAMMATES Yes
    user stories 4 Brainstormed at least 20 user stories Yes
    Forked 5 Forked the tp repo from the module org to the team org Yes
    Issues Enabled 5 Issue tracker enabled in the team repo Yes
    Docs Published 5 docs have been published via GitHub pages e.g. https://AY2021S2-TIC4002-F18-4.github.io/tp2/UserGuide.html Yes
    PR Created 5 Created a PR from team fork to upstream repo Yes
    UG draft 5 UG draft of reasonable quality submitted to LumiNUS Yes
    v1.1 set up 6 milestone v1.1 is present and has a deadline Yes
    website adapted 6 README, AboutUs, and _config.yml have been updated Yes
    UG adapted 6 AB3 UG has been adapted to the new product (no traces of AB3 left) Yes
    !DG adapted 6 AB3 DG: Requirements (product scope, user stories, use cases, NFRs, etc.) sections have been updated (problems noted: sections not updated [Product scope]) No
    v1.1-wrap-up 6 milestone v1.1 is closed, and all its issues are closed too Yes
    v1.2-wrap-up 8 milestone v1.2 is closed, and all its issues are closed too Yes
    v1.3(trial) released 9 Released v1.3(trial) jar file on GitHub in week 9 Yes
    v1.3 set up 9 milestone v1.3 is present and has a deadline Yes
    assertions enabled 9 Assertions enabled in the team repo (in build.gradle) Yes
    v1.3-wrap-up 10 milestone v1.3 is closed, and all its issues are closed too Yes
    v1.3(final) released 10 Released v1.3(final) jar file on GitHub in week 10 Yes
    v1.4 set up 11 milestone v1.4 is present and has a deadline Yes
    v1.4 set up 12 milestone v1.4 is present and has a deadline Yes
    !Ui.png 13 docs/images/Ui.png available and updated recently No
    v1.4-wrap-up 13 milestone v1.4 is closed, and all its issues are closed too Yes
    v1.4 released 13 Released v1.4 jar file on GitHub in week 13 Yes
    Student number (partial)Student i.e., weeks in which some code was committed to the repoWeekly progress i.e., other tP-related individual tasksIndividual tasks
    A0120420_ !678910111213 Forked!Tutorialv1.1 Issues!v1.1 PRsphotov1.2 Issuesv1.2 PRsAssertions!DG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherv1.3 Issues!UG Draft!PPP Draftv1.4 IssuesPPP
    A0137851_ !678910!11!1213 ForkedTutorialv1.1 Issues!v1.1 PRsphotov1.2 Issuesv1.2 PRsAssertionsDG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherv1.3 IssuesUG Draft!PPP Draftv1.4 IssuesPPP
    A0150565_ !67!89!10111213 ForkedTutorialv1.1 Issues!v1.1 PRsphoto!v1.2 Issues!v1.2 PRsAssertionsDG Draft!Smoke-tested CATcherv1.3 IssuesUG Draft!PPP Draftv1.4 IssuesPPP
    A0177716_ 678910111213 ForkedTutorialv1.1 Issuesv1.1 PRsphotov1.2 Issuesv1.2 PRsAssertionsLoggingDG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherv1.3 Issuesv1.3 PRsUG DraftPPP Draftv1.4 Issuesv1.4 PRsPPP
    A0177727_ 6789101112!13 Forked!Tutorialv1.1 Issuesv1.1 PRsphotov1.2 Issuesv1.2 PRsAssertions!DG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherv1.3 Issuesv1.3 PRsUG DraftPPP Draftv1.4 Issuesv1.4 PRsPPP
    A0177732_ 678910111213 ForkedTutorialv1.1 Issues!v1.1 PRsphotov1.2 Issuesv1.2 PRsAssertions!DG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherv1.3 Issuesv1.3 PRs!UG Draft!PPP Draftv1.4 IssuesPPP
    A0177740_ !678!910!111213 ForkedTutorialv1.1 Issuesv1.1 PRsphotov1.2 Issuesv1.2 PRsAssertionsLogging!DG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherv1.3 Issuesv1.3 PRsUG Draft!PPP Draftv1.4 Issuesv1.4 PRsPPP
    A0177754_ 678910111213 ForkedTutorialv1.1 Issuesv1.1 PRsphotov1.2 Issuesv1.2 PRsAssertionsDG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherv1.3 Issuesv1.3 PRsUG Draft!PPP Draftv1.4 Issuesv1.4 PRsPPP
    A0177784_ 678910111213 ForkedTutorialv1.1 Issuesv1.1 PRsphotov1.2 Issuesv1.2 PRsAssertionsDG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherv1.3 Issuesv1.3 PRsUG DraftPPP Draftv1.4 Issuesv1.4 PRsPPP
    A0177802_ 6!7!8910111213 ForkedTutorialv1.1 Issuesv1.1 PRsphotov1.2 Issuesv1.2 PRsAssertionsDG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherv1.3 Issuesv1.3 PRsUG DraftPPP Draftv1.4 Issuesv1.4 PRsPPP
    A0177807_ !678910111213 Forked!Tutorialv1.1 Issuesv1.1 PRsphoto!v1.2 Issuesv1.2 PRsAssertionsDG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherv1.3 Issues!UG Draft!PPP Draftv1.4 IssuesPPP
    A0177809_ !6789!10111213 Forked!Tutorialv1.1 Issues!v1.1 PRsphoto!v1.2 Issues!v1.2 PRsAssertionsLogging!DG Draft!Smoke-tested CATcherv1.3 Issues!UG Draft!PPP Draftv1.4 IssuesPPP
    A0177810_ 678910111213 Forked!Tutorialv1.1 Issuesv1.1 PRsphoto!v1.2 Issuesv1.2 PRsAssertions!DG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherv1.3 Issues!UG Draft!PPP Draftv1.4 IssuesPPP
    A0177820_ !678!910!111213 ForkedTutorialv1.1 Issuesv1.1 PRsphotov1.2 Issuesv1.2 PRsAssertions!DG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherv1.3 IssuesUG Draft!PPP Draftv1.4 Issuesv1.4 PRsPPP
    A0177968_ 678910111213 ForkedTutorialv1.1 Issuesv1.1 PRsphotov1.2 Issuesv1.2 PRsAssertionsDG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherv1.3 Issuesv1.3 PRsUG Draft!PPP Draftv1.4 Issuesv1.4 PRsPPP
    A0177971_ 678910!111213 ForkedTutorialv1.1 Issuesv1.1 PRsphotov1.2 Issuesv1.2 PRsAssertionsDG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherv1.3 Issuesv1.3 PRsUG Draft!PPP Draftv1.4 Issuesv1.4 PRsPPP
    A0177989_ !678910111213 ForkedTutorialv1.1 Issuesv1.1 PRsphotov1.2 Issuesv1.2 PRsAssertionsDG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherv1.3 Issuesv1.3 PRsUG Draft!PPP Draftv1.4 Issuesv1.4 PRsPPP

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week !6 Feb 12 2021 - Feb 19 2021: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 7 Feb 26 2021 - Mar 05 2021: Contributed 4 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 05 2021 - Mar 12 2021: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 12 2021 - Mar 19 2021: Contributed 5 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 19 2021 - Mar 26 2021: Contributed 5 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 26 2021 - Apr 02 2021: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 02 2021 - Apr 09 2021: Contributed 5 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 09 2021 - Apr 16 2021: Contributed 6 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 5 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    !Tutorial 6 Created a PR from the tutorial-adding-command branch No
    v1.1 Issues 6 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.1 (found: 1 issues) Yes
    !v1.1 PRs 6 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.1 (found: 0 PRs) No
    photo 6 Uploaded own photo (or placeholder image) with the correct file name Yes
    v1.2 Issues 8 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.2 (found: 1 issues) Yes
    v1.2 PRs 8 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.2 (found: 1 PRs) Yes
    Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 3) Yes
    !DG Draft 9 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 9 (found: 0 lines added) No
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    v1.3 Issues 10 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.3 (found: 1 issues) Yes
    !UG Draft 10 Added at least 3 lines to the UG in week 10 (found: 0 lines added) No
    !PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No
    v1.4 Issues 13 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.4 (found: 6 issues) Yes
    PPP 13 PPP exists (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) and has been adapted Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week !6 Feb 12 2021 - Feb 19 2021: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 7 Feb 26 2021 - Mar 05 2021: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 05 2021 - Mar 12 2021: Contributed 6 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 12 2021 - Mar 19 2021: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 19 2021 - Mar 26 2021: Contributed 9 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week !11 Mar 26 2021 - Apr 02 2021: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week !12 Apr 02 2021 - Apr 09 2021: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 09 2021 - Apr 16 2021: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 5 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Tutorial 6 Created a PR from the tutorial-adding-command branch Yes
    v1.1 Issues 6 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.1 (found: 2 issues) Yes
    !v1.1 PRs 6 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.1 (found: 0 PRs) No
    photo 6 Uploaded own photo (or placeholder image) with the correct file name Yes
    v1.2 Issues 8 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.2 (found: 1 issues) Yes
    v1.2 PRs 8 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.2 (found: 1 PRs) Yes
    Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 11) Yes
    DG Draft 9 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 9 (found: 11 lines added) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    v1.3 Issues 10 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.3 (found: 1 issues) Yes
    UG Draft 10 Added at least 3 lines to the UG in week 10 (found: 18 lines added) Yes
    !PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No
    v1.4 Issues 13 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.4 (found: 3 issues) Yes
    PPP 13 PPP exists (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) and has been adapted Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week !6 Feb 12 2021 - Feb 19 2021: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 7 Feb 26 2021 - Mar 05 2021: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week !8 Mar 05 2021 - Mar 12 2021: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 12 2021 - Mar 19 2021: Contributed 4 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week !10 Mar 19 2021 - Mar 26 2021: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 26 2021 - Apr 02 2021: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 02 2021 - Apr 09 2021: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 09 2021 - Apr 16 2021: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 5 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Tutorial 6 Created a PR from the tutorial-adding-command branch Yes
    v1.1 Issues 6 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.1 (found: 5 issues) Yes
    !v1.1 PRs 6 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.1 (found: 0 PRs) No
    photo 6 Uploaded own photo (or placeholder image) with the correct file name Yes
    !v1.2 Issues 8 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.2 (found: 0 issues) No
    !v1.2 PRs 8 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.2 (found: 0 PRs) No
    Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 4) Yes
    DG Draft 9 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 9 (found: 118 lines added) Yes
    !Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher No
    v1.3 Issues 10 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.3 (found: 2 issues) Yes
    UG Draft 10 Added at least 3 lines to the UG in week 10 (found: 91 lines added) Yes
    !PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No
    v1.4 Issues 13 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.4 (found: 4 issues) Yes
    PPP 13 PPP exists (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) and has been adapted Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 6 Feb 12 2021 - Feb 19 2021: Contributed 15 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 7 Feb 26 2021 - Mar 05 2021: Contributed 12 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 05 2021 - Mar 12 2021: Contributed 22 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 12 2021 - Mar 19 2021: Contributed 17 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 19 2021 - Mar 26 2021: Contributed 33 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 26 2021 - Apr 02 2021: Contributed 20 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 02 2021 - Apr 09 2021: Contributed 8 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 09 2021 - Apr 16 2021: Contributed 40 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 5 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Tutorial 6 Created a PR from the tutorial-adding-command branch Yes
    v1.1 Issues 6 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.1 (found: 3 issues) Yes
    v1.1 PRs 6 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.1 (found: 4 PRs) Yes
    photo 6 Uploaded own photo (or placeholder image) with the correct file name Yes
    v1.2 Issues 8 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.2 (found: 9 issues) Yes
    v1.2 PRs 8 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.2 (found: 8 PRs) Yes
    Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 56) Yes
    Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 8) Yes
    DG Draft 9 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 9 (found: 26 lines added) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    v1.3 Issues 10 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.3 (found: 5 issues) Yes
    v1.3 PRs 10 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.3 (found: 9 PRs) Yes
    UG Draft 10 Added at least 3 lines to the UG in week 10 (found: 19 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) in week 12 (found: 44 lines added) Yes
    v1.4 Issues 13 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.4 (found: 13 issues) Yes
    v1.4 PRs 13 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.4 (found: 12 PRs) Yes
    PPP 13 PPP exists (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) and has been adapted Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 6 Feb 12 2021 - Feb 19 2021: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 7 Feb 26 2021 - Mar 05 2021: Contributed 4 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 05 2021 - Mar 12 2021: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 12 2021 - Mar 19 2021: Contributed 4 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 19 2021 - Mar 26 2021: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 26 2021 - Apr 02 2021: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 02 2021 - Apr 09 2021: Contributed 8 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week !13 Apr 09 2021 - Apr 16 2021: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 5 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    !Tutorial 6 Created a PR from the tutorial-adding-command branch No
    v1.1 Issues 6 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.1 (found: 3 issues) Yes
    v1.1 PRs 6 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.1 (found: 1 PRs) Yes
    photo 6 Uploaded own photo (or placeholder image) with the correct file name Yes
    v1.2 Issues 8 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.2 (found: 2 issues) Yes
    v1.2 PRs 8 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.2 (found: 2 PRs) Yes
    Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 2) Yes
    !DG Draft 9 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 9 (found: 0 lines added) No
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    v1.3 Issues 10 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.3 (found: 2 issues) Yes
    v1.3 PRs 10 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.3 (found: 5 PRs) Yes
    UG Draft 10 Added at least 3 lines to the UG in week 10 (found: 7 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) in week 12 (found: 34 lines added) Yes
    v1.4 Issues 13 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.4 (found: 7 issues) Yes
    v1.4 PRs 13 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.4 (found: 4 PRs) Yes
    PPP 13 PPP exists (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) and has been adapted Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 6 Feb 12 2021 - Feb 19 2021: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 7 Feb 26 2021 - Mar 05 2021: Contributed 4 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 05 2021 - Mar 12 2021: Contributed 12 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 12 2021 - Mar 19 2021: Contributed 12 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 19 2021 - Mar 26 2021: Contributed 8 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 26 2021 - Apr 02 2021: Contributed 4 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 02 2021 - Apr 09 2021: Contributed 11 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 09 2021 - Apr 16 2021: Contributed 19 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 5 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Tutorial 6 Created a PR from the tutorial-adding-command branch Yes
    v1.1 Issues 6 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.1 (found: 5 issues) Yes
    !v1.1 PRs 6 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.1 (found: 0 PRs) No
    photo 6 Uploaded own photo (or placeholder image) with the correct file name Yes
    v1.2 Issues 8 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.2 (found: 2 issues) Yes
    v1.2 PRs 8 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.2 (found: 2 PRs) Yes
    Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 4) Yes
    !DG Draft 9 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 9 (found: 0 lines added) No
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    v1.3 Issues 10 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.3 (found: 3 issues) Yes
    v1.3 PRs 10 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.3 (found: 1 PRs) Yes
    !UG Draft 10 Added at least 3 lines to the UG in week 10 (found: 3 lines added) No
    !PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No
    v1.4 Issues 13 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.4 (found: 8 issues) Yes
    PPP 13 PPP exists (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) and has been adapted Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week !6 Feb 12 2021 - Feb 19 2021: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 7 Feb 26 2021 - Mar 05 2021: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 05 2021 - Mar 12 2021: Contributed 22 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week !9 Mar 12 2021 - Mar 19 2021: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 19 2021 - Mar 26 2021: Contributed 32 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week !11 Mar 26 2021 - Apr 02 2021: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 02 2021 - Apr 09 2021: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 09 2021 - Apr 16 2021: Contributed 25 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 5 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Tutorial 6 Created a PR from the tutorial-adding-command branch Yes
    v1.1 Issues 6 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.1 (found: 3 issues) Yes
    v1.1 PRs 6 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.1 (found: 2 PRs) Yes
    photo 6 Uploaded own photo (or placeholder image) with the correct file name Yes
    v1.2 Issues 8 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.2 (found: 1 issues) Yes
    v1.2 PRs 8 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.2 (found: 2 PRs) Yes
    Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 5) Yes
    Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 2) Yes
    !DG Draft 9 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 9 (found: 2 lines added) No
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    v1.3 Issues 10 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.3 (found: 4 issues) Yes
    v1.3 PRs 10 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.3 (found: 2 PRs) Yes
    UG Draft 10 Added at least 3 lines to the UG in week 10 (found: 48 lines added) Yes
    !PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No
    v1.4 Issues 13 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.4 (found: 9 issues) Yes
    v1.4 PRs 13 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.4 (found: 2 PRs) Yes
    PPP 13 PPP exists (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) and has been adapted Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 6 Feb 12 2021 - Feb 19 2021: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 7 Feb 26 2021 - Mar 05 2021: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 05 2021 - Mar 12 2021: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 12 2021 - Mar 19 2021: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 19 2021 - Mar 26 2021: Contributed 5 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 26 2021 - Apr 02 2021: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 02 2021 - Apr 09 2021: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 09 2021 - Apr 16 2021: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 5 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Tutorial 6 Created a PR from the tutorial-adding-command branch Yes
    v1.1 Issues 6 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.1 (found: 3 issues) Yes
    v1.1 PRs 6 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.1 (found: 1 PRs) Yes
    photo 6 Uploaded own photo (or placeholder image) with the correct file name Yes
    v1.2 Issues 8 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.2 (found: 5 issues) Yes
    v1.2 PRs 8 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.2 (found: 2 PRs) Yes
    Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 3) Yes
    DG Draft 9 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 9 (found: 31 lines added) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    v1.3 Issues 10 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.3 (found: 5 issues) Yes
    v1.3 PRs 10 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.3 (found: 4 PRs) Yes
    UG Draft 10 Added at least 3 lines to the UG in week 10 (found: 5 lines added) Yes
    !PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No
    v1.4 Issues 13 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.4 (found: 4 issues) Yes
    v1.4 PRs 13 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.4 (found: 4 PRs) Yes
    PPP 13 PPP exists (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) and has been adapted Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 6 Feb 12 2021 - Feb 19 2021: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 7 Feb 26 2021 - Mar 05 2021: Contributed 8 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 05 2021 - Mar 12 2021: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 12 2021 - Mar 19 2021: Contributed 4 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 19 2021 - Mar 26 2021: Contributed 14 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 26 2021 - Apr 02 2021: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 02 2021 - Apr 09 2021: Contributed 6 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 09 2021 - Apr 16 2021: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 5 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Tutorial 6 Created a PR from the tutorial-adding-command branch Yes
    v1.1 Issues 6 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.1 (found: 3 issues) Yes
    v1.1 PRs 6 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.1 (found: 1 PRs) Yes
    photo 6 Uploaded own photo (or placeholder image) with the correct file name Yes
    v1.2 Issues 8 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.2 (found: 4 issues) Yes
    v1.2 PRs 8 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.2 (found: 3 PRs) Yes
    Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 5) Yes
    DG Draft 9 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 9 (found: 40 lines added) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    v1.3 Issues 10 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.3 (found: 3 issues) Yes
    v1.3 PRs 10 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.3 (found: 3 PRs) Yes
    UG Draft 10 Added at least 3 lines to the UG in week 10 (found: 9 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) in week 12 (found: 39 lines added) Yes
    v1.4 Issues 13 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.4 (found: 8 issues) Yes
    v1.4 PRs 13 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.4 (found: 2 PRs) Yes
    PPP 13 PPP exists (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) and has been adapted Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 6 Feb 12 2021 - Feb 19 2021: Contributed 6 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week !7 Feb 26 2021 - Mar 05 2021: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week !8 Mar 05 2021 - Mar 12 2021: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 12 2021 - Mar 19 2021: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 19 2021 - Mar 26 2021: Contributed 8 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 26 2021 - Apr 02 2021: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 02 2021 - Apr 09 2021: Contributed 19 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 09 2021 - Apr 16 2021: Contributed 22 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 5 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Tutorial 6 Created a PR from the tutorial-adding-command branch Yes
    v1.1 Issues 6 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.1 (found: 1 issues) Yes
    v1.1 PRs 6 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.1 (found: 1 PRs) Yes
    photo 6 Uploaded own photo (or placeholder image) with the correct file name Yes
    v1.2 Issues 8 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.2 (found: 2 issues) Yes
    v1.2 PRs 8 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.2 (found: 1 PRs) Yes
    Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 16) Yes
    DG Draft 9 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 9 (found: 22 lines added) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    v1.3 Issues 10 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.3 (found: 1 issues) Yes
    v1.3 PRs 10 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.3 (found: 1 PRs) Yes
    UG Draft 10 Added at least 3 lines to the UG in week 10 (found: 12 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) in week 12 (found: 94 lines added) Yes
    v1.4 Issues 13 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.4 (found: 5 issues) Yes
    v1.4 PRs 13 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.4 (found: 1 PRs) Yes
    PPP 13 PPP exists (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) and has been adapted Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week !6 Feb 12 2021 - Feb 19 2021: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 7 Feb 26 2021 - Mar 05 2021: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 05 2021 - Mar 12 2021: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 12 2021 - Mar 19 2021: Contributed 10 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 19 2021 - Mar 26 2021: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 26 2021 - Apr 02 2021: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 02 2021 - Apr 09 2021: Contributed 6 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 09 2021 - Apr 16 2021: Contributed 5 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 5 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    !Tutorial 6 Created a PR from the tutorial-adding-command branch No
    v1.1 Issues 6 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.1 (found: 5 issues) Yes
    v1.1 PRs 6 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.1 (found: 1 PRs) Yes
    photo 6 Uploaded own photo (or placeholder image) with the correct file name Yes
    !v1.2 Issues 8 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.2 (found: 0 issues) No
    v1.2 PRs 8 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.2 (found: 1 PRs) Yes
    Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 5) Yes
    DG Draft 9 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 9 (found: 28 lines added) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    v1.3 Issues 10 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.3 (found: 1 issues) Yes
    !UG Draft 10 Added at least 3 lines to the UG in week 10 (found: 4 lines added) No
    !PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No
    v1.4 Issues 13 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.4 (found: 5 issues) Yes
    PPP 13 PPP exists (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) and has been adapted Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week !6 Feb 12 2021 - Feb 19 2021: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 7 Feb 26 2021 - Mar 05 2021: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 05 2021 - Mar 12 2021: Contributed 4 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 12 2021 - Mar 19 2021: Contributed 6 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week !10 Mar 19 2021 - Mar 26 2021: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 26 2021 - Apr 02 2021: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 02 2021 - Apr 09 2021: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 09 2021 - Apr 16 2021: Contributed 5 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 5 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    !Tutorial 6 Created a PR from the tutorial-adding-command branch No
    v1.1 Issues 6 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.1 (found: 4 issues) Yes
    !v1.1 PRs 6 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.1 (found: 0 PRs) No
    photo 6 Uploaded own photo (or placeholder image) with the correct file name Yes
    !v1.2 Issues 8 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.2 (found: 0 issues) No
    !v1.2 PRs 8 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.2 (found: 0 PRs) No
    Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 15) Yes
    Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 2) Yes
    !DG Draft 9 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 9 (found: 0 lines added) No
    !Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher No
    v1.3 Issues 10 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.3 (found: 3 issues) Yes
    !UG Draft 10 Added at least 3 lines to the UG in week 10 (found: 2 lines added) No
    !PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No
    v1.4 Issues 13 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.4 (found: 6 issues) Yes
    PPP 13 PPP exists (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) and has been adapted Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 6 Feb 12 2021 - Feb 19 2021: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 7 Feb 26 2021 - Mar 05 2021: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 05 2021 - Mar 12 2021: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 12 2021 - Mar 19 2021: Contributed 8 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 19 2021 - Mar 26 2021: Contributed 8 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 26 2021 - Apr 02 2021: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 02 2021 - Apr 09 2021: Contributed 14 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 09 2021 - Apr 16 2021: Contributed 23 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 5 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    !Tutorial 6 Created a PR from the tutorial-adding-command branch No
    v1.1 Issues 6 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.1 (found: 5 issues) Yes
    v1.1 PRs 6 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.1 (found: 2 PRs) Yes
    photo 6 Uploaded own photo (or placeholder image) with the correct file name Yes
    !v1.2 Issues 8 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.2 (found: 0 issues) No
    v1.2 PRs 8 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.2 (found: 1 PRs) Yes
    Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 2) Yes
    !DG Draft 9 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 9 (found: 0 lines added) No
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    v1.3 Issues 10 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.3 (found: 2 issues) Yes
    !UG Draft 10 Added at least 3 lines to the UG in week 10 (found: 4 lines added) No
    !PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No
    v1.4 Issues 13 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.4 (found: 6 issues) Yes
    PPP 13 PPP exists (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) and has been adapted Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week !6 Feb 12 2021 - Feb 19 2021: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 7 Feb 26 2021 - Mar 05 2021: Contributed 10 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 05 2021 - Mar 12 2021: Contributed 10 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week !9 Mar 12 2021 - Mar 19 2021: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 19 2021 - Mar 26 2021: Contributed 10 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week !11 Mar 26 2021 - Apr 02 2021: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 02 2021 - Apr 09 2021: Contributed 5 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 09 2021 - Apr 16 2021: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 5 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Tutorial 6 Created a PR from the tutorial-adding-command branch Yes
    v1.1 Issues 6 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.1 (found: 2 issues) Yes
    v1.1 PRs 6 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.1 (found: 1 PRs) Yes
    photo 6 Uploaded own photo (or placeholder image) with the correct file name Yes
    v1.2 Issues 8 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.2 (found: 1 issues) Yes
    v1.2 PRs 8 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.2 (found: 2 PRs) Yes
    Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 10) Yes
    !DG Draft 9 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 9 (found: 0 lines added) No
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    v1.3 Issues 10 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.3 (found: 1 issues) Yes
    UG Draft 10 Added at least 3 lines to the UG in week 10 (found: 9 lines added) Yes
    !PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No
    v1.4 Issues 13 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.4 (found: 10 issues) Yes
    v1.4 PRs 13 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.4 (found: 1 PRs) Yes
    PPP 13 PPP exists (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) and has been adapted Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 6 Feb 12 2021 - Feb 19 2021: Contributed 26 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 7 Feb 26 2021 - Mar 05 2021: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 05 2021 - Mar 12 2021: Contributed 11 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 12 2021 - Mar 19 2021: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 19 2021 - Mar 26 2021: Contributed 22 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 26 2021 - Apr 02 2021: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 02 2021 - Apr 09 2021: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 09 2021 - Apr 16 2021: Contributed 18 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 5 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Tutorial 6 Created a PR from the tutorial-adding-command branch Yes
    v1.1 Issues 6 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.1 (found: 3 issues) Yes
    v1.1 PRs 6 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.1 (found: 2 PRs) Yes
    photo 6 Uploaded own photo (or placeholder image) with the correct file name Yes
    v1.2 Issues 8 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.2 (found: 1 issues) Yes
    v1.2 PRs 8 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.2 (found: 5 PRs) Yes
    Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 10) Yes
    DG Draft 9 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 9 (found: 64 lines added) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    v1.3 Issues 10 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.3 (found: 7 issues) Yes
    v1.3 PRs 10 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.3 (found: 6 PRs) Yes
    UG Draft 10 Added at least 3 lines to the UG in week 10 (found: 13 lines added) Yes
    !PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No
    v1.4 Issues 13 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.4 (found: 3 issues) Yes
    v1.4 PRs 13 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.4 (found: 1 PRs) Yes
    PPP 13 PPP exists (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) and has been adapted Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 6 Feb 12 2021 - Feb 19 2021: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 7 Feb 26 2021 - Mar 05 2021: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 05 2021 - Mar 12 2021: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 12 2021 - Mar 19 2021: Contributed 4 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 19 2021 - Mar 26 2021: Contributed 15 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week !11 Mar 26 2021 - Apr 02 2021: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 02 2021 - Apr 09 2021: Contributed 9 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 09 2021 - Apr 16 2021: Contributed 11 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 5 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Tutorial 6 Created a PR from the tutorial-adding-command branch Yes
    v1.1 Issues 6 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.1 (found: 2 issues) Yes
    v1.1 PRs 6 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.1 (found: 1 PRs) Yes
    photo 6 Uploaded own photo (or placeholder image) with the correct file name Yes
    v1.2 Issues 8 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.2 (found: 2 issues) Yes
    v1.2 PRs 8 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.2 (found: 2 PRs) Yes
    Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 13) Yes
    DG Draft 9 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 9 (found: 26 lines added) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    v1.3 Issues 10 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.3 (found: 2 issues) Yes
    v1.3 PRs 10 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.3 (found: 1 PRs) Yes
    UG Draft 10 Added at least 3 lines to the UG in week 10 (found: 26 lines added) Yes
    !PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No
    v1.4 Issues 13 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.4 (found: 10 issues) Yes
    v1.4 PRs 13 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.4 (found: 2 PRs) Yes
    PPP 13 PPP exists (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) and has been adapted Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week !6 Feb 12 2021 - Feb 19 2021: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 7 Feb 26 2021 - Mar 05 2021: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 05 2021 - Mar 12 2021: Contributed 5 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 12 2021 - Mar 19 2021: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 19 2021 - Mar 26 2021: Contributed 11 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 26 2021 - Apr 02 2021: Contributed 4 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 02 2021 - Apr 09 2021: Contributed 5 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 09 2021 - Apr 16 2021: Contributed 14 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 5 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Tutorial 6 Created a PR from the tutorial-adding-command branch Yes
    v1.1 Issues 6 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.1 (found: 1 issues) Yes
    v1.1 PRs 6 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.1 (found: 1 PRs) Yes
    photo 6 Uploaded own photo (or placeholder image) with the correct file name Yes
    v1.2 Issues 8 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.2 (found: 1 issues) Yes
    v1.2 PRs 8 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.2 (found: 1 PRs) Yes
    Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 8) Yes
    DG Draft 9 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 9 (found: 7 lines added) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    v1.3 Issues 10 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.3 (found: 2 issues) Yes
    v1.3 PRs 10 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.3 (found: 2 PRs) Yes
    UG Draft 10 Added at least 3 lines to the UG in week 10 (found: 7 lines added) Yes
    !PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No
    v1.4 Issues 13 Has GitHub issues assigned (and closed) in milestone v1.4 (found: 7 issues) Yes
    v1.4 PRs 13 Authored PRs (merged, followed the forking workflow e.g., PR used a separate branch) in milestone v1.4 (found: 1 PRs) Yes
    PPP 13 PPP exists (docs/team/github_username_in_lower_case.md) and has been adapted Yes