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  • Participation dashboard

    • Details about participation marks calculations are here.
    • The important column of the table below is the Weeks participated column. It tells you how many weeks in which you have met participation bar (i.e., scored more than half of the participation points).
    • Meaning of colors/icons:
      • : you can click on this icon to find more info
      • N : you reached the participation bar for week N
      • N : you earned some participation points in the week N but fell short of the participation bar for that week (these tried-but-fell-short weeks are not normally counted for participation, but they could be given some consideration if you failed to earn full participation marks at the end)
      • N : you did not earn any participation points for week N
    • If you have queries about the participation marks, please email tic4002@comp.nus.edu.sg.
    • This dashboard is updated weekly.

    [This page was last updated on Apr 16 2021]

    Student number (partial)Student i.e., participation status of each week → total weeks in which you met the participation barWeeks participated Activities participated inActivities
    A0120420_ 1234567891011138 W1:Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)S W2:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 85% (2/3 points)Q W3:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 67% (1/3 points)Q W4:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 75% (2/3 points)Q Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: done (2/2 points)J W5:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (2/3 points)Q W6:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (2/3 points)Q W7: W8:Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P W9:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 80% (2/3 points)Q W10:Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)C W11:Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (5/5 points)D W13:
    A0137851_ 1234567891011138 W1: W2:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 50% (1/3 points)Q W3:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 50% (1/3 points)Q W4:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (2/3 points)Q Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: done (2/2 points)J W5:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (2/3 points)Q Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P W6:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (2/3 points)Q W7:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (2/3 points)Q W8:Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P W9:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 65% (1/3 points)Q W10:Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)C W11:Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (4/5 points)D W13:Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P
    A0150565_ 1234567891011139 W1: W2:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 92% (3/3 points)Q W3:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (2/3 points)Q W4:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 92% (2/3 points)Q Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: done (2/2 points)J W5:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (2/3 points)Q Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P W6:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (2/3 points)Q W7: W8:Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P W9:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 80% (3/3 points)Q W10: W11:Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (4/5 points)D W13:Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P
    A0177716_ 12345678910111312 W1:Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)S W2:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 92% (3/3 points)Q W3:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)Q W4:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)Q Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: done (2/2 points)J W5:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)Q Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P W6:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)Q W7:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)Q W8:Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P W9:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 90% (3/3 points)Q W10:Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)C W11:Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (5/5 points)D W13:Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P
    A0177727_ 1234567891011138 W1:Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)S W2:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 58% (2/3 points)Q W3:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 33% (2/3 points)Q W4:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (1/3 points)Q W5:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 64% (1/3 points)Q W6:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 67% (1/3 points)Q W7:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 67% (1/3 points)Q W8:Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P W9:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 45% (2/3 points)Q W10:Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)C W11:Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (5/5 points)D W13:Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P
    A0177732_ 12345678910111311 W1:Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)S W2:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 65% (2/3 points)Q W3:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 67% (2/3 points)Q W4:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)Q Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: done (2/2 points)J W5:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (2/3 points)Q W6:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (2/3 points)Q W7:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)Q W8:Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P W9:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 70% (2/3 points)Q W10:Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)C W11:Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (5/5 points)D W13:Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P
    A0177740_ 12345678910111311 W1:Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)S W2:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 85% (3/3 points)Q W3:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)Q W4:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (2/3 points)Q Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: done (2/2 points)J W5:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)Q Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P W6:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (2/3 points)Q W7:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)Q W8:Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P W9:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)Q W10:Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)C W11:Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (5/5 points)D W13:
    A0177754_ 12345678910111312 W1:Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)S W2:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 92% (3/3 points)Q W3:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)Q W4:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)Q W5:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)Q W6:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)Q W7:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)Q W8:Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P W9:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 75% (3/3 points)Q W10:Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)C W11:Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (5/5 points)D W13:Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P
    A0177784_ 12345678910111312 W1:Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)S W2:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 88% (3/3 points)Q W3:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)Q W4:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 92% (3/3 points)Q Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: done (2/2 points)J W5:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 64% (2/3 points)Q Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P W6:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)Q W7:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)Q W8:Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P W9:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 80% (3/3 points)Q W10:Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)C W11:Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (5/5 points)D W13:Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P
    A0177802_ 12345678910111312 W1:Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)S W2:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 69% (2/3 points)Q W3:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)Q W4:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 92% (3/3 points)Q Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: done (2/2 points)J W5:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)Q Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P W6:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)Q W7:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)Q W8:Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P W9:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 75% (3/3 points)Q W10:Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)C W11:Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (3/5 points)D W13:Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P
    A0177807_ 1234567891011137 W1:Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)S W2:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 62% (2/3 points)Q W3:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 67% (1/3 points)Q W4: W5:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)Q Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P W6:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 50% (1/3 points)Q W7: W8:Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P W9:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 60% (1/3 points)Q W10:Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)C W11:Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (5/5 points)D W13:Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P
    A0177809_ 1234567891011138 W1:Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)S W2:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 85% (3/3 points)Q W3:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 50% (2/3 points)Q W4:Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: done (2/2 points)J W5:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (2/3 points)Q W6:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)Q W7: W8:Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P W9:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 80% (2/3 points)Q W10: W11:Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (4/5 points)D W13:Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P
    A0177810_ 12345678910111311 W1:Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)S W2:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 96% (3/3 points)Q W3:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)Q W4:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 92% (3/3 points)Q Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: done (2/2 points)J W5:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (2/3 points)Q W6:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (2/3 points)Q W7:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (2/3 points)Q W8:Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P W9:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 80% (2/3 points)Q W10:Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)C W11:Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (5/5 points)D W13:Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P
    A0177820_ 1234567891011134 W1: W2:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 42% (1/3 points)Q W3:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 50% (1/3 points)Q W4:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 50% (1/3 points)Q W5:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 73% (2/3 points)Q W6:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 67% (1/3 points)Q W7:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 50% (1/3 points)Q W8:Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P W9:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 45% (1/3 points)Q W10:Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)C W11:Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (5/5 points)D W13:Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P
    A0177968_ 12345678910111311 W1: W2:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 88% (2/3 points)Q W3:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)Q W4:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)Q Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: done (2/2 points)J W5:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)Q Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P W6:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 67% (2/3 points)Q W7:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)Q W8:Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P W9:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)Q W10:Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)C W11:Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (5/5 points)D W13:Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P
    A0177971_ 12345678910111311 W1:Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)S W2:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 77% (3/3 points)Q W3:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)Q W4:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)Q Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: done (2/2 points)J W5:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)Q W6:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)Q W7:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)Q W8:Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P W9:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 70% (3/3 points)Q W10:Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)C W11:Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (5/5 points)D W13:
    A0177989_ 12345678910111312 W1:Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)S W2:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 65% (2/3 points)Q W3:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)Q W4:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (2/3 points)Q Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: done (2/2 points)J W5:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (2/3 points)Q Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P W6:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)Q W7:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)Q W8:Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P W9:LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 85% (3/3 points)Q W10:Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)C W11:Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (5/5 points)D W13:Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)P

    Weekly Participation (programming exercises, post-lecture quizzes, admin tasks etc.)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 2/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 85% (2/3 points)
    Week 3: 1/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 67% (1/3 points)
    Week 4: 4/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 75% (2/3 points)
    • Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: done (2/2 points)
    Week 5: 2/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (2/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 6: 2/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (2/3 points)
    Week 7: 0/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 8: 2/2 points
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 9: 2/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 80% (2/3 points)
    Week 10: 3/3 points
    • Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 5/5 points
    • Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (5/5 points)
    Week 13: 0/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)

    Weekly Participation (programming exercises, post-lecture quizzes, admin tasks etc.)

    Week 1: 0/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 2: 1/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 50% (1/3 points)
    Week 3: 1/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 50% (1/3 points)
    Week 4: 4/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (2/3 points)
    • Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: done (2/2 points)
    Week 5: 4/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (2/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 6: 2/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (2/3 points)
    Week 7: 2/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (2/3 points)
    Week 8: 2/2 points
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 9: 1/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 65% (1/3 points)
    Week 10: 3/3 points
    • Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 4/5 points
    • Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (4/5 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Weekly Participation (programming exercises, post-lecture quizzes, admin tasks etc.)

    Week 1: 0/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 92% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 2/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (2/3 points)
    Week 4: 4/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 92% (2/3 points)
    • Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: done (2/2 points)
    Week 5: 4/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (2/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 6: 2/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (2/3 points)
    Week 7: 0/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 8: 2/2 points
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 9: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 80% (3/3 points)
    Week 10: 0/3 points
    • Smoke tested CATcher: not done (0/3 points)
    Week 11: 4/5 points
    • Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (4/5 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Weekly Participation (programming exercises, post-lecture quizzes, admin tasks etc.)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 92% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 5/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: done (2/2 points)
    Week 5: 5/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 6: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 2/2 points
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 9: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 90% (3/3 points)
    Week 10: 3/3 points
    • Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 5/5 points
    • Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (5/5 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Weekly Participation (programming exercises, post-lecture quizzes, admin tasks etc.)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 2/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 58% (2/3 points)
    Week 3: 2/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 33% (2/3 points)
    Week 4: 1/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (1/3 points)
    • Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 5: 1/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 64% (1/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 6: 1/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 67% (1/3 points)
    Week 7: 1/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 67% (1/3 points)
    Week 8: 2/2 points
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 9: 2/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 45% (2/3 points)
    Week 10: 3/3 points
    • Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 5/5 points
    • Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (5/5 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Weekly Participation (programming exercises, post-lecture quizzes, admin tasks etc.)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 2/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 65% (2/3 points)
    Week 3: 2/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 67% (2/3 points)
    Week 4: 5/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: done (2/2 points)
    Week 5: 2/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (2/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 6: 2/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (2/3 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 2/2 points
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 9: 2/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 70% (2/3 points)
    Week 10: 3/3 points
    • Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 5/5 points
    • Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (5/5 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Weekly Participation (programming exercises, post-lecture quizzes, admin tasks etc.)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 85% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 4/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (2/3 points)
    • Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: done (2/2 points)
    Week 5: 5/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 6: 2/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (2/3 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 2/2 points
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 9: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 10: 3/3 points
    • Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 5/5 points
    • Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (5/5 points)
    Week 13: 0/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)

    Weekly Participation (programming exercises, post-lecture quizzes, admin tasks etc.)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 92% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 5: 3/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 6: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 2/2 points
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 9: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 75% (3/3 points)
    Week 10: 3/3 points
    • Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 5/5 points
    • Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (5/5 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Weekly Participation (programming exercises, post-lecture quizzes, admin tasks etc.)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 88% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 5/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 92% (3/3 points)
    • Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: done (2/2 points)
    Week 5: 4/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 64% (2/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 6: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 2/2 points
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 9: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 80% (3/3 points)
    Week 10: 3/3 points
    • Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 5/5 points
    • Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (5/5 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Weekly Participation (programming exercises, post-lecture quizzes, admin tasks etc.)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 2/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 69% (2/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 5/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 92% (3/3 points)
    • Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: done (2/2 points)
    Week 5: 5/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 6: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 2/2 points
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 9: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 75% (3/3 points)
    Week 10: 3/3 points
    • Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 3/5 points
    • Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (3/5 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Weekly Participation (programming exercises, post-lecture quizzes, admin tasks etc.)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 2/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 62% (2/3 points)
    Week 3: 1/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 67% (1/3 points)
    Week 4: 0/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    • Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 5: 5/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 6: 1/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 50% (1/3 points)
    Week 7: 0/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 8: 2/2 points
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 9: 1/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 60% (1/3 points)
    Week 10: 3/3 points
    • Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 5/5 points
    • Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (5/5 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Weekly Participation (programming exercises, post-lecture quizzes, admin tasks etc.)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 85% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 2/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 50% (2/3 points)
    Week 4: 2/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    • Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: done (2/2 points)
    Week 5: 2/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (2/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 6: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)
    Week 7: 0/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 8: 2/2 points
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 9: 2/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 80% (2/3 points)
    Week 10: 0/3 points
    • Smoke tested CATcher: not done (0/3 points)
    Week 11: 4/5 points
    • Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (4/5 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Weekly Participation (programming exercises, post-lecture quizzes, admin tasks etc.)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 96% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 5/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 92% (3/3 points)
    • Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: done (2/2 points)
    Week 5: 2/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (2/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 6: 2/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (2/3 points)
    Week 7: 2/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (2/3 points)
    Week 8: 2/2 points
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 9: 2/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 80% (2/3 points)
    Week 10: 3/3 points
    • Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 5/5 points
    • Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (5/5 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Weekly Participation (programming exercises, post-lecture quizzes, admin tasks etc.)

    Week 1: 0/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 2: 1/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 42% (1/3 points)
    Week 3: 1/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 50% (1/3 points)
    Week 4: 1/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 50% (1/3 points)
    • Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 5: 2/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 73% (2/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 6: 1/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 67% (1/3 points)
    Week 7: 1/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 50% (1/3 points)
    Week 8: 2/2 points
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 9: 1/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 45% (1/3 points)
    Week 10: 3/3 points
    • Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 5/5 points
    • Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (5/5 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Weekly Participation (programming exercises, post-lecture quizzes, admin tasks etc.)

    Week 1: 0/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 2: 2/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 88% (2/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 5/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: done (2/2 points)
    Week 5: 5/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 6: 2/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 67% (2/3 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 2/2 points
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 9: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 10: 3/3 points
    • Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 5/5 points
    • Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (5/5 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Weekly Participation (programming exercises, post-lecture quizzes, admin tasks etc.)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 77% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 5/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)
    • Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: done (2/2 points)
    Week 5: 3/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 6: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 2/2 points
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 9: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 70% (3/3 points)
    Week 10: 3/3 points
    • Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 5/5 points
    • Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (5/5 points)
    Week 13: 0/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)

    Weekly Participation (programming exercises, post-lecture quizzes, admin tasks etc.)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 2/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 65% (2/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 4/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (2/3 points)
    • Accepted the invitation to join the module org on GitHub: done (2/2 points)
    Week 5: 4/5 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (2/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 6: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 2/2 points
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 9: 3/3 points
    • LumiNUS Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 85% (3/3 points)
    Week 10: 3/3 points
    • Smoke tested CATcher: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 5/5 points
    • Reported more than 2 bugs in the PE dry run (1 point per bug reported, capped at 5): done (5/5 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)