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  • tP comments
  • tP Code
  • iP progress dashboard

    • Details about iP grading are here.
    • Note that the progress shown here is just a rough guidance as it was generated by an automated script. A manual inspection will be done after the final submission to confirm the script's findings.
    • If an increment you did does not appear as 'done' in the dashboard, make sure you have pushed the corresponding tag to your fork and the tag matches the increment name exactly. You can even tag past commits if you forgot to tag those commits earlier or the tag you used differs from the expected tag. The increment will be marked as 'done' at the next script run (it runs once a day). Contact the teaching team only if the problem is not rectified even after the next update.
    • Meaning of colors/icons:
      • : you can click on this icon to find more info
      • ABC : you have done the corresponding item.
      • ABC : you have done the corresponding item which is an optional item (well done!).
      • !ABC : item overdue, not done yet.
      • !ABC : item due soon, not done yet.
      • !ABC : optional item due soon, not done yet.
    • If you have queries about the data shown in this page, please email tic4002@comp.nus.edu.sg.
    • This dashboard is updated every 2-3 days.

    [This page was last updated on Mar 19 2021]

    Student number (partial)Student i.e., weeks in which some code was committed to the repoWeekly progress i.e., iP increments as indicated by the git tags in your forkIncrements i.e., other iP-related admin tasksAdmin tasks
    A0120420_ !23!4!567 A-GradleA-CheckStyleLevel-10A-CIBCD-Extension!A-HigherCodingQuality ForkingTrackerPR Creation!JAR with GUIPublished UGUi.pngJAR released
    A0137851_ !2!3!4!5!67 A-Gradle!A-CheckStyleLevel-10A-CI!BCD-Extension!A-HigherCodingQuality ForkingTracker!PR Creation!JAR with GUIPublished UGUi.pngJAR released
    A0150565_ !234567 A-GradleA-CheckStyleLevel-10A-CIBCD-ExtensionA-HigherCodingQuality ForkingTrackerPR Creation!JAR with GUIPublished UGUi.pngJAR released
    A0177716_ 23456!7 A-GradleA-CheckStyleLevel-10A-CIBCD-ExtensionA-HigherCodingQuality ForkingTrackerPR CreationJAR with GUIPublished UGUi.pngJAR released
    A0177727_ !23!4!5!67 A-GradleA-CheckStyleLevel-10A-CIBCD-Extension!A-HigherCodingQuality ForkingTracker!PR Creation!JAR with GUIPublished UG!Ui.pngJAR released
    A0177732_ 2345!67 A-GradleA-CheckStyleLevel-10A-CIBCD-ExtensionA-HigherCodingQuality ForkingTrackerPR CreationJAR with GUIPublished UGUi.pngJAR released
    A0177740_ !23!45!67 A-GradleA-CheckStyleLevel-10A-CIBCD-ExtensionA-HigherCodingQuality ForkingTrackerPR Creation!JAR with GUIPublished UGUi.pngJAR released
    A0177754_ !23!45!67 A-GradleA-CheckStyleLevel-10A-CIBCD-ExtensionA-HigherCodingQuality ForkingTrackerPR Creation!JAR with GUIPublished UGUi.pngJAR released
    A0177784_ !234567 A-GradleA-CheckStyleLevel-10A-CIBCD-ExtensionA-HigherCodingQuality ForkingTrackerPR CreationJAR with GUIPublished UGUi.pngJAR released
    A0177802_ 234567 A-GradleA-CheckStyleLevel-10A-CIBCD-ExtensionA-HigherCodingQuality ForkingTrackerPR CreationJAR with GUIPublished UGUi.pngJAR released
    A0177807_ !234!567 !A-Gradle!A-CheckStyle!Level-10!A-CI!BCD-Extension!A-HigherCodingQuality ForkingTrackerPR Creation!JAR with GUIPublished UGUi.pngJAR released
    A0177809_ 2345!67 A-GradleA-CheckStyleLevel-10A-CIBCD-Extension!A-HigherCodingQuality ForkingTrackerPR CreationJAR with GUIPublished UGUi.pngJAR released
    A0177810_ 2345!67 A-GradleA-CheckStyleLevel-10A-CIBCD-ExtensionA-HigherCodingQuality ForkingTrackerPR Creation!JAR with GUIPublished UGUi.pngJAR released
    A0177820_ !23!45!67 A-GradleA-CheckStyleLevel-10A-CIBCD-ExtensionA-HigherCodingQuality ForkingTrackerPR Creation!JAR with GUIPublished UGUi.pngJAR released
    A0177968_ 234567 A-GradleA-CheckStyleLevel-10A-CIBCD-ExtensionA-HigherCodingQuality ForkingTrackerPR CreationJAR with GUIPublished UGUi.pngJAR released
    A0177971_ 234567 A-GradleA-CheckStyleLevel-10A-CIBCD-ExtensionA-HigherCodingQuality ForkingTrackerPR Creation!JAR with GUIPublished UGUi.pngJAR released
    A0177989_ 234!567 A-GradleA-CheckStyleLevel-10A-CIBCD-ExtensionA-HigherCodingQuality ForkingTrackerPR CreationJAR with GUIPublished UGUi.pngJAR released

    iP Weekly Progress

    • Week !2 [Jan 15 2021 - Jan 21 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week 3 [Jan 22 2021 - Jan 28 2021]: Pushed 2 commits
    • Week !4 [Jan 29 2021 - Feb 04 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week !5 [Feb 05 2021 - Feb 11 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week 6 [Feb 12 2021 - Feb 18 2021]: Pushed 1 commit
    • Week 7 [Feb 19 2021 - Mar 04 2021]: Pushed 19 commits

    iP Increments

    • A-Gradle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-Gradle found in the fork
    • A-CheckStyle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-CheckStyle found in the fork
    • Level-10: [Due in Week 3]: Tag Level-10 found in the fork
    • A-CI: [Due in Week 4]: Tag A-CI found in the fork
    • BCD-Extension: [Due in Week 4]: Tag BCD-Extension found in the fork
    • !A-HigherCodingQuality: [Due in Week 5]: Tag A-HigherCodingQuality not found in the fork

    iP Admin Tasks

    • Forking: Forked? Yes.
    • Tracker: Issue tracker enabled? Yes
    • PR Creation: Created a PR from own fork to upstream repo
    • !JAR with GUI: The JAR file was not released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-01-21 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-02-05 00:00:00+08:00
    • Published UG: Updated User Guide available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip
    • Ui.png: Ui.png available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip/Ui.png
    • JAR released: The JAR file was released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-02-11 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-03-10 00:00:00+08:00

    iP Weekly Progress

    • Week !2 [Jan 15 2021 - Jan 21 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week !3 [Jan 22 2021 - Jan 28 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week !4 [Jan 29 2021 - Feb 04 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week !5 [Feb 05 2021 - Feb 11 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week !6 [Feb 12 2021 - Feb 18 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week 7 [Feb 19 2021 - Mar 04 2021]: Pushed 9 commits

    iP Increments

    • A-Gradle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-Gradle found in the fork
    • !A-CheckStyle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-CheckStyle not found in the fork
    • Level-10: [Due in Week 3]: Tag Level-10 found in the fork
    • A-CI: [Due in Week 4]: Tag A-CI found in the fork
    • !BCD-Extension: [Due in Week 4]: Tag BCD-Extension not found in the fork
    • !A-HigherCodingQuality: [Due in Week 5]: Tag A-HigherCodingQuality not found in the fork

    iP Admin Tasks

    • Forking: Forked? Yes.
    • Tracker: Issue tracker enabled? Yes
    • !PR Creation: Have not created a PR from own fork to upstream repo
    • !JAR with GUI: The JAR file was not released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-01-21 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-02-05 00:00:00+08:00
    • Published UG: Updated User Guide available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip
    • Ui.png: Ui.png available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip/Ui.png
    • JAR released: The JAR file was released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-02-11 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-03-10 00:00:00+08:00

    iP Weekly Progress

    • Week !2 [Jan 15 2021 - Jan 21 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week 3 [Jan 22 2021 - Jan 28 2021]: Pushed 7 commits
    • Week 4 [Jan 29 2021 - Feb 04 2021]: Pushed 2 commits
    • Week 5 [Feb 05 2021 - Feb 11 2021]: Pushed 4 commits
    • Week 6 [Feb 12 2021 - Feb 18 2021]: Pushed 3 commits
    • Week 7 [Feb 19 2021 - Mar 04 2021]: Pushed 5 commits

    iP Increments

    • A-Gradle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-Gradle found in the fork
    • A-CheckStyle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-CheckStyle found in the fork
    • Level-10: [Due in Week 3]: Tag Level-10 found in the fork
    • A-CI: [Due in Week 4]: Tag A-CI found in the fork
    • BCD-Extension: [Due in Week 4]: Tag BCD-Extension found in the fork
    • A-HigherCodingQuality: [Due in Week 5]: Tag A-HigherCodingQuality found in the fork

    iP Admin Tasks

    • Forking: Forked? Yes.
    • Tracker: Issue tracker enabled? Yes
    • PR Creation: Created a PR from own fork to upstream repo
    • !JAR with GUI: The JAR file was not released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-01-21 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-02-05 00:00:00+08:00
    • Published UG: Updated User Guide available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip
    • Ui.png: Ui.png available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip/Ui.png
    • JAR released: The JAR file was released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-02-11 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-03-10 00:00:00+08:00

    iP Weekly Progress

    • Week 2 [Jan 15 2021 - Jan 21 2021]: Pushed 4 commits
    • Week 3 [Jan 22 2021 - Jan 28 2021]: Pushed 7 commits
    • Week 4 [Jan 29 2021 - Feb 04 2021]: Pushed 16 commits
    • Week 5 [Feb 05 2021 - Feb 11 2021]: Pushed 11 commits
    • Week 6 [Feb 12 2021 - Feb 18 2021]: Pushed 22 commits
    • Week !7 [Feb 19 2021 - Mar 04 2021]: Did not push any commits

    iP Increments

    • A-Gradle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-Gradle found in the fork
    • A-CheckStyle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-CheckStyle found in the fork
    • Level-10: [Due in Week 3]: Tag Level-10 found in the fork
    • A-CI: [Due in Week 4]: Tag A-CI found in the fork
    • BCD-Extension: [Due in Week 4]: Tag BCD-Extension found in the fork
    • A-HigherCodingQuality: [Due in Week 5]: Tag A-HigherCodingQuality found in the fork

    iP Admin Tasks

    • Forking: Forked? Yes.
    • Tracker: Issue tracker enabled? Yes
    • PR Creation: Created a PR from own fork to upstream repo
    • JAR with GUI: The JAR file was released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-01-21 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-02-05 00:00:00+08:00
    • Published UG: Updated User Guide available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip
    • Ui.png: Ui.png available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip/Ui.png
    • JAR released: The JAR file was released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-02-11 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-03-10 00:00:00+08:00

    iP Weekly Progress

    • Week !2 [Jan 15 2021 - Jan 21 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week 3 [Jan 22 2021 - Jan 28 2021]: Pushed 2 commits
    • Week !4 [Jan 29 2021 - Feb 04 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week !5 [Feb 05 2021 - Feb 11 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week !6 [Feb 12 2021 - Feb 18 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week 7 [Feb 19 2021 - Mar 04 2021]: Pushed 5 commits

    iP Increments

    • A-Gradle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-Gradle found in the fork
    • A-CheckStyle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-CheckStyle found in the fork
    • Level-10: [Due in Week 3]: Tag Level-10 found in the fork
    • A-CI: [Due in Week 4]: Tag A-CI found in the fork
    • BCD-Extension: [Due in Week 4]: Tag BCD-Extension found in the fork
    • !A-HigherCodingQuality: [Due in Week 5]: Tag A-HigherCodingQuality not found in the fork

    iP Admin Tasks

    • Forking: Forked? Yes.
    • Tracker: Issue tracker enabled? Yes
    • !PR Creation: Have not created a PR from own fork to upstream repo
    • !JAR with GUI: The JAR file was not released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-01-21 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-02-05 00:00:00+08:00
    • Published UG: Updated User Guide available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip
    • !Ui.png: Ui.png available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip/Ui.png
    • JAR released: The JAR file was released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-02-11 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-03-10 00:00:00+08:00

    iP Weekly Progress

    • Week 2 [Jan 15 2021 - Jan 21 2021]: Pushed 2 commits
    • Week 3 [Jan 22 2021 - Jan 28 2021]: Pushed 6 commits
    • Week 4 [Jan 29 2021 - Feb 04 2021]: Pushed 6 commits
    • Week 5 [Feb 05 2021 - Feb 11 2021]: Pushed 1 commit
    • Week !6 [Feb 12 2021 - Feb 18 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week 7 [Feb 19 2021 - Mar 04 2021]: Pushed 6 commits

    iP Increments

    • A-Gradle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-Gradle found in the fork
    • A-CheckStyle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-CheckStyle found in the fork
    • Level-10: [Due in Week 3]: Tag Level-10 found in the fork
    • A-CI: [Due in Week 4]: Tag A-CI found in the fork
    • BCD-Extension: [Due in Week 4]: Tag BCD-Extension found in the fork
    • A-HigherCodingQuality: [Due in Week 5]: Tag A-HigherCodingQuality found in the fork

    iP Admin Tasks

    • Forking: Forked? Yes.
    • Tracker: Issue tracker enabled? Yes
    • PR Creation: Created a PR from own fork to upstream repo
    • JAR with GUI: The JAR file was released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-01-21 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-02-05 00:00:00+08:00
    • Published UG: Updated User Guide available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip
    • Ui.png: Ui.png available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip/Ui.png
    • JAR released: The JAR file was released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-02-11 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-03-10 00:00:00+08:00

    iP Weekly Progress

    • Week !2 [Jan 15 2021 - Jan 21 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week 3 [Jan 22 2021 - Jan 28 2021]: Pushed 4 commits
    • Week !4 [Jan 29 2021 - Feb 04 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week 5 [Feb 05 2021 - Feb 11 2021]: Pushed 16 commits
    • Week !6 [Feb 12 2021 - Feb 18 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week 7 [Feb 19 2021 - Mar 04 2021]: Pushed 7 commits

    iP Increments

    • A-Gradle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-Gradle found in the fork
    • A-CheckStyle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-CheckStyle found in the fork
    • Level-10: [Due in Week 3]: Tag Level-10 found in the fork
    • A-CI: [Due in Week 4]: Tag A-CI found in the fork
    • BCD-Extension: [Due in Week 4]: Tag BCD-Extension found in the fork
    • A-HigherCodingQuality: [Due in Week 5]: Tag A-HigherCodingQuality found in the fork

    iP Admin Tasks

    • Forking: Forked? Yes.
    • Tracker: Issue tracker enabled? Yes
    • PR Creation: Created a PR from own fork to upstream repo
    • !JAR with GUI: The JAR file was not released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-01-21 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-02-05 00:00:00+08:00
    • Published UG: Updated User Guide available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip
    • Ui.png: Ui.png available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip/Ui.png
    • JAR released: The JAR file was released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-02-11 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-03-10 00:00:00+08:00

    iP Weekly Progress

    • Week !2 [Jan 15 2021 - Jan 21 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week 3 [Jan 22 2021 - Jan 28 2021]: Pushed 11 commits
    • Week !4 [Jan 29 2021 - Feb 04 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week 5 [Feb 05 2021 - Feb 11 2021]: Pushed 11 commits
    • Week !6 [Feb 12 2021 - Feb 18 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week 7 [Feb 19 2021 - Mar 04 2021]: Pushed 11 commits

    iP Increments

    • A-Gradle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-Gradle found in the fork
    • A-CheckStyle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-CheckStyle found in the fork
    • Level-10: [Due in Week 3]: Tag Level-10 found in the fork
    • A-CI: [Due in Week 4]: Tag A-CI found in the fork
    • BCD-Extension: [Due in Week 4]: Tag BCD-Extension found in the fork
    • A-HigherCodingQuality: [Due in Week 5]: Tag A-HigherCodingQuality found in the fork

    iP Admin Tasks

    • Forking: Forked? Yes.
    • Tracker: Issue tracker enabled? Yes
    • PR Creation: Created a PR from own fork to upstream repo
    • !JAR with GUI: The JAR file was not released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-01-21 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-02-05 00:00:00+08:00
    • Published UG: Updated User Guide available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip
    • Ui.png: Ui.png available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip/Ui.png
    • JAR released: The JAR file was released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-02-11 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-03-10 00:00:00+08:00

    iP Weekly Progress

    • Week !2 [Jan 15 2021 - Jan 21 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week 3 [Jan 22 2021 - Jan 28 2021]: Pushed 7 commits
    • Week 4 [Jan 29 2021 - Feb 04 2021]: Pushed 13 commits
    • Week 5 [Feb 05 2021 - Feb 11 2021]: Pushed 3 commits
    • Week 6 [Feb 12 2021 - Feb 18 2021]: Pushed 8 commits
    • Week 7 [Feb 19 2021 - Mar 04 2021]: Pushed 14 commits

    iP Increments

    • A-Gradle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-Gradle found in the fork
    • A-CheckStyle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-CheckStyle found in the fork
    • Level-10: [Due in Week 3]: Tag Level-10 found in the fork
    • A-CI: [Due in Week 4]: Tag A-CI found in the fork
    • BCD-Extension: [Due in Week 4]: Tag BCD-Extension found in the fork
    • A-HigherCodingQuality: [Due in Week 5]: Tag A-HigherCodingQuality found in the fork

    iP Admin Tasks

    • Forking: Forked? Yes.
    • Tracker: Issue tracker enabled? Yes
    • PR Creation: Created a PR from own fork to upstream repo
    • JAR with GUI: The JAR file was released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-01-21 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-02-05 00:00:00+08:00
    • Published UG: Updated User Guide available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip
    • Ui.png: Ui.png available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip/Ui.png
    • JAR released: The JAR file was released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-02-11 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-03-10 00:00:00+08:00

    iP Weekly Progress

    • Week 2 [Jan 15 2021 - Jan 21 2021]: Pushed 3 commits
    • Week 3 [Jan 22 2021 - Jan 28 2021]: Pushed 6 commits
    • Week 4 [Jan 29 2021 - Feb 04 2021]: Pushed 13 commits
    • Week 5 [Feb 05 2021 - Feb 11 2021]: Pushed 4 commits
    • Week 6 [Feb 12 2021 - Feb 18 2021]: Pushed 20 commits
    • Week 7 [Feb 19 2021 - Mar 04 2021]: Pushed 6 commits

    iP Increments

    • A-Gradle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-Gradle found in the fork
    • A-CheckStyle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-CheckStyle found in the fork
    • Level-10: [Due in Week 3]: Tag Level-10 found in the fork
    • A-CI: [Due in Week 4]: Tag A-CI found in the fork
    • BCD-Extension: [Due in Week 4]: Tag BCD-Extension found in the fork
    • A-HigherCodingQuality: [Due in Week 5]: Tag A-HigherCodingQuality found in the fork

    iP Admin Tasks

    • Forking: Forked? Yes.
    • Tracker: Issue tracker enabled? Yes
    • PR Creation: Created a PR from own fork to upstream repo
    • JAR with GUI: The JAR file was released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-01-21 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-02-05 00:00:00+08:00
    • Published UG: Updated User Guide available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip
    • Ui.png: Ui.png available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip/Ui.png
    • JAR released: The JAR file was released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-02-11 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-03-10 00:00:00+08:00

    iP Weekly Progress

    • Week !2 [Jan 15 2021 - Jan 21 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week 3 [Jan 22 2021 - Jan 28 2021]: Pushed 1 commit
    • Week 4 [Jan 29 2021 - Feb 04 2021]: Pushed 5 commits
    • Week !5 [Feb 05 2021 - Feb 11 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week 6 [Feb 12 2021 - Feb 18 2021]: Pushed 3 commits
    • Week 7 [Feb 19 2021 - Mar 04 2021]: Pushed 24 commits

    iP Increments

    • !A-Gradle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-Gradle not found in the fork
    • !A-CheckStyle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-CheckStyle not found in the fork
    • !Level-10: [Due in Week 3]: Tag Level-10 not found in the fork
    • !A-CI: [Due in Week 4]: Tag A-CI not found in the fork
    • !BCD-Extension: [Due in Week 4]: Tag BCD-Extension not found in the fork
    • !A-HigherCodingQuality: [Due in Week 5]: Tag A-HigherCodingQuality not found in the fork

    iP Admin Tasks

    • Forking: Forked? Yes.
    • Tracker: Issue tracker enabled? Yes
    • PR Creation: Created a PR from own fork to upstream repo
    • !JAR with GUI: The JAR file was not released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-01-21 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-02-05 00:00:00+08:00
    • Published UG: Updated User Guide available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip
    • Ui.png: Ui.png available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip/Ui.png
    • JAR released: The JAR file was released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-02-11 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-03-10 00:00:00+08:00

    iP Weekly Progress

    • Week 2 [Jan 15 2021 - Jan 21 2021]: Pushed 6 commits
    • Week 3 [Jan 22 2021 - Jan 28 2021]: Pushed 3 commits
    • Week 4 [Jan 29 2021 - Feb 04 2021]: Pushed 5 commits
    • Week 5 [Feb 05 2021 - Feb 11 2021]: Pushed 4 commits
    • Week !6 [Feb 12 2021 - Feb 18 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week 7 [Feb 19 2021 - Mar 04 2021]: Pushed 9 commits

    iP Increments

    • A-Gradle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-Gradle found in the fork
    • A-CheckStyle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-CheckStyle found in the fork
    • Level-10: [Due in Week 3]: Tag Level-10 found in the fork
    • A-CI: [Due in Week 4]: Tag A-CI found in the fork
    • BCD-Extension: [Due in Week 4]: Tag BCD-Extension found in the fork
    • !A-HigherCodingQuality: [Due in Week 5]: Tag A-HigherCodingQuality not found in the fork

    iP Admin Tasks

    • Forking: Forked? Yes.
    • Tracker: Issue tracker enabled? Yes
    • PR Creation: Created a PR from own fork to upstream repo
    • JAR with GUI: The JAR file was released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-01-21 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-02-05 00:00:00+08:00
    • Published UG: Updated User Guide available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip
    • Ui.png: Ui.png available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip/Ui.png
    • JAR released: The JAR file was released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-02-11 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-03-10 00:00:00+08:00

    iP Weekly Progress

    • Week 2 [Jan 15 2021 - Jan 21 2021]: Pushed 2 commits
    • Week 3 [Jan 22 2021 - Jan 28 2021]: Pushed 4 commits
    • Week 4 [Jan 29 2021 - Feb 04 2021]: Pushed 1 commit
    • Week 5 [Feb 05 2021 - Feb 11 2021]: Pushed 1 commit
    • Week !6 [Feb 12 2021 - Feb 18 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week 7 [Feb 19 2021 - Mar 04 2021]: Pushed 20 commits

    iP Increments

    • A-Gradle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-Gradle found in the fork
    • A-CheckStyle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-CheckStyle found in the fork
    • Level-10: [Due in Week 3]: Tag Level-10 found in the fork
    • A-CI: [Due in Week 4]: Tag A-CI found in the fork
    • BCD-Extension: [Due in Week 4]: Tag BCD-Extension found in the fork
    • A-HigherCodingQuality: [Due in Week 5]: Tag A-HigherCodingQuality found in the fork

    iP Admin Tasks

    • Forking: Forked? Yes.
    • Tracker: Issue tracker enabled? Yes
    • PR Creation: Created a PR from own fork to upstream repo
    • !JAR with GUI: The JAR file was not released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-01-21 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-02-05 00:00:00+08:00
    • Published UG: Updated User Guide available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip
    • Ui.png: Ui.png available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip/Ui.png
    • JAR released: The JAR file was released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-02-11 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-03-10 00:00:00+08:00

    iP Weekly Progress

    • Week !2 [Jan 15 2021 - Jan 21 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week 3 [Jan 22 2021 - Jan 28 2021]: Pushed 4 commits
    • Week !4 [Jan 29 2021 - Feb 04 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week 5 [Feb 05 2021 - Feb 11 2021]: Pushed 16 commits
    • Week !6 [Feb 12 2021 - Feb 18 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week 7 [Feb 19 2021 - Mar 04 2021]: Pushed 39 commits

    iP Increments

    • A-Gradle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-Gradle found in the fork
    • A-CheckStyle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-CheckStyle found in the fork
    • Level-10: [Due in Week 3]: Tag Level-10 found in the fork
    • A-CI: [Due in Week 4]: Tag A-CI found in the fork
    • BCD-Extension: [Due in Week 4]: Tag BCD-Extension found in the fork
    • A-HigherCodingQuality: [Due in Week 5]: Tag A-HigherCodingQuality found in the fork

    iP Admin Tasks

    • Forking: Forked? Yes.
    • Tracker: Issue tracker enabled? Yes
    • PR Creation: Created a PR from own fork to upstream repo
    • !JAR with GUI: The JAR file was not released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-01-21 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-02-05 00:00:00+08:00
    • Published UG: Updated User Guide available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip
    • Ui.png: Ui.png available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip/Ui.png
    • JAR released: The JAR file was released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-02-11 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-03-10 00:00:00+08:00

    iP Weekly Progress

    • Week 2 [Jan 15 2021 - Jan 21 2021]: Pushed 6 commits
    • Week 3 [Jan 22 2021 - Jan 28 2021]: Pushed 12 commits
    • Week 4 [Jan 29 2021 - Feb 04 2021]: Pushed 23 commits
    • Week 5 [Feb 05 2021 - Feb 11 2021]: Pushed 9 commits
    • Week 6 [Feb 12 2021 - Feb 18 2021]: Pushed 16 commits
    • Week 7 [Feb 19 2021 - Mar 04 2021]: Pushed 29 commits

    iP Increments

    • A-Gradle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-Gradle found in the fork
    • A-CheckStyle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-CheckStyle found in the fork
    • Level-10: [Due in Week 3]: Tag Level-10 found in the fork
    • A-CI: [Due in Week 4]: Tag A-CI found in the fork
    • BCD-Extension: [Due in Week 4]: Tag BCD-Extension found in the fork
    • A-HigherCodingQuality: [Due in Week 5]: Tag A-HigherCodingQuality found in the fork

    iP Admin Tasks

    • Forking: Forked? Yes.
    • Tracker: Issue tracker enabled? Yes
    • PR Creation: Created a PR from own fork to upstream repo
    • JAR with GUI: The JAR file was released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-01-21 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-02-05 00:00:00+08:00
    • Published UG: Updated User Guide available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip
    • Ui.png: Ui.png available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip/Ui.png
    • JAR released: The JAR file was released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-02-11 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-03-10 00:00:00+08:00

    iP Weekly Progress

    • Week 2 [Jan 15 2021 - Jan 21 2021]: Pushed 4 commits
    • Week 3 [Jan 22 2021 - Jan 28 2021]: Pushed 1 commit
    • Week 4 [Jan 29 2021 - Feb 04 2021]: Pushed 13 commits
    • Week 5 [Feb 05 2021 - Feb 11 2021]: Pushed 2 commits
    • Week 6 [Feb 12 2021 - Feb 18 2021]: Pushed 13 commits
    • Week 7 [Feb 19 2021 - Mar 04 2021]: Pushed 2 commits

    iP Increments

    • A-Gradle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-Gradle found in the fork
    • A-CheckStyle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-CheckStyle found in the fork
    • Level-10: [Due in Week 3]: Tag Level-10 found in the fork
    • A-CI: [Due in Week 4]: Tag A-CI found in the fork
    • BCD-Extension: [Due in Week 4]: Tag BCD-Extension found in the fork
    • A-HigherCodingQuality: [Due in Week 5]: Tag A-HigherCodingQuality found in the fork

    iP Admin Tasks

    • Forking: Forked? Yes.
    • Tracker: Issue tracker enabled? Yes
    • PR Creation: Created a PR from own fork to upstream repo
    • !JAR with GUI: The JAR file was not released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-01-21 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-02-05 00:00:00+08:00
    • Published UG: Updated User Guide available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip
    • Ui.png: Ui.png available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip/Ui.png
    • JAR released: The JAR file was released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-02-11 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-03-10 00:00:00+08:00

    iP Weekly Progress

    • Week 2 [Jan 15 2021 - Jan 21 2021]: Pushed 3 commits
    • Week 3 [Jan 22 2021 - Jan 28 2021]: Pushed 6 commits
    • Week 4 [Jan 29 2021 - Feb 04 2021]: Pushed 12 commits
    • Week !5 [Feb 05 2021 - Feb 11 2021]: Did not push any commits
    • Week 6 [Feb 12 2021 - Feb 18 2021]: Pushed 3 commits
    • Week 7 [Feb 19 2021 - Mar 04 2021]: Pushed 10 commits

    iP Increments

    • A-Gradle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-Gradle found in the fork
    • A-CheckStyle: [Due in Week 2]: Tag A-CheckStyle found in the fork
    • Level-10: [Due in Week 3]: Tag Level-10 found in the fork
    • A-CI: [Due in Week 4]: Tag A-CI found in the fork
    • BCD-Extension: [Due in Week 4]: Tag BCD-Extension found in the fork
    • A-HigherCodingQuality: [Due in Week 5]: Tag A-HigherCodingQuality found in the fork

    iP Admin Tasks

    • Forking: Forked? Yes.
    • Tracker: Issue tracker enabled? Yes
    • PR Creation: Created a PR from own fork to upstream repo
    • JAR with GUI: The JAR file was released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-01-21 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-02-05 00:00:00+08:00
    • Published UG: Updated User Guide available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip
    • Ui.png: Ui.png available at https://[github_username].github.io/ip/Ui.png
    • JAR released: The JAR file was released via GitHub releases in the period 2021-02-11 00:00:00+08:00 to 2021-03-10 00:00:00+08:00