This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.
TIC4002 2021 Jan-May
  • Full Timeline
  • Week 1 [Mon, Jan 11th]
  • Week 2 [Fri, Jan 15th]
  • Week 3 [Fri, Jan 22nd]
  • Week 4 [Fri, Jan 29th]
  • Week 5 [Fri, Feb 5th]
  • Week 6 [Fri, Feb 12th]
  • Week 7 [Fri, Feb 19th]
  • Week 8 [Fri, Mar 5th]
  • Week 9 [Fri, Mar 12th]
  • Week 10 [Fri, Mar 19th]
  • Week 11 [Fri, Mar 26th]
  • Week 12 [Fri, Apr 2nd]
  • Week 13 [Fri, Apr 9th]
  • Textbook
  • Admin Info
  • Dashboards
  •  Individual Project (iP):
  • Individual Project Info
  • iP Upstream Repo
  • iP Showcase
  • iP Code Dashboard
  • iP Progress Dashboard

  •  Team Project (tP):
  • Team Project Info
  • tP Upstream Repo (AB3)
  • Team List
  • tP Code Dashboard
  • tP Progress Dashboard
  • Report Bugs
  • Forum
  • Instructors
  • Announcements
  • Files (handouts, submissions etc.)
  • MS Teams link
  • Java Coding Standard
  • Git Conventions
  • Participation Dashboard
  • Combined Exercises

    Here are some exercises that combine multiple topics.

    Choose the correct statement



    • Functional requirements are not always more important.
    • Greenfield projects do not have existing products.
    • Users can inform us about the present. They may not be able to envision the future. (It’s not the consumers’ job to know what they want --Steve Jobs).

    Choose the incorrect statement.


    Explanation: A sequence diagram is a behavior diagram, not a structure diagram. An SD can represent how objects interact with each other (i.e., behavior), not how they are connected to each other (i.e. structure).

    Which one of these is the most useful to model a workflow?


    Pick the odd one out.


    Explanation: RCS is for managing code changes. The others are tools and techniques for managing project schedules. It’s OK if you don’t agree with the answer. What matters is that you know what each one is for.

    Choose the least correct statement


    Explanation: Patterns have costs and sometimes they may be an overkill. Therefore, we should apply them judiciously.